Extreme Masquerade
Extreme Masquerade – to Blend or be Bold
The shy want to Blend & the Bold want to Dazzle. Masquerade should never be boring. It’s purpose is to delight and create magic. When our customers call in person, their intentions usually are quite boring. The guys ask for a black mask and the ladies sometimes look for economy. Their Masquerade dreams are restricted by their expectations.
When the whole range is available to view and try on the priorities change. A mask should most importantly look good when teamed up with the wearer.
It should be a good fit, proportionally and in contour. The effect should be impressive.
We have lots of Wow factor Couples Masks.
Think about the effect that you want to create
Resist the temptation to be boring…
Least you will be forgotten by all who attend.
Ladies can indulge in dramatic metal filigree, daring make up, dramatic hair.
Gentlemen… this could be the best night of your life, get daring.
The options for guys to steam up the room are fantastic… add some Steampunk, a dramatic Phantom, a wicked Horny Goat. Consider the event and then take another look at the range. It’s your opportunity to shine.